Thursday, 10 October 2013

12 cm GrW 42 - Waffen SS in Arnhem
A.K.A. German 120mm mortar.

Another one of those things sitting in my desk drawer. I got this blister in trade from a good friend about a year ago and it had always been in the "low priority pile". As I've started to branch out from the usual constant cycle of Panther-Tiger-Stug, these beauties came up.
The 120mm mortar in flames of war is usually seen in the hands of the Russians or the German Fallschirmjager. Very very rarely have I seen them used by the Heer, and never by the Waffen SS. You can see why I took my sweet time with these babies. 

You'll notice more furniture starting to crop up. These have been sitting in the pile for about two years as I was never brave enough to use them. Believe me, I've been dying to use that friggin piano and that bed frame for a long time now! 

You can find the furniture here, tell them Dale sent you.

Lastly, no late war German base is complete without a panzerfaust or two!

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